Legislative and Regulatory Projects

  • Submitted testimony in on behalf of energy resource company to the Senate Energy and Transportation Committee hearing on Cyber-Security threats to the Nation's energy delivery system that offered a client based solution to potential threats posed to the Alyeska Pipeline in Alaska.
  • Convinced Subcommittee on Financial Services and Independent Agencies to include language in appropriations committee bill that directed the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to withhold action on proposed regulations that could undermine product safety.
  • Convinced House Appropriations Committee to include language in EPA Appropriations bill instructing EPA to conduct study to demonstrate possible safety of artificial turf and crumb rubber to consumer population.
  • Submitted testimony on behalf of technology company to House and Senate Commerce Committees proposing rail safety measures that could substantially reduce rail derailments throughout the United States.
  • Convinced Senate Commerce and Transportation Committee to include language in Rail Transportation creating incentives to install rail safety locking devices on freight train wheels to prevent wheel disengagement and derailments.
  • Included language in House and Senate Armed Services and Appropriations bills resulting in substantial funding for the use and deployment of both wheeled and tracked armored vehicles to protect military personnel in war-related venues.
  • General Counsel to Van Fleet Associates responsible for internal legal matters, external relationships, corporate ethics matters, contract review and development of overall legislative and regulatory strategies;
  • Counsel to distributors, manufacturers, and retailers of List 1 chemicals in complying with DEA and Food and Drug Administration laws and regulations.
  • Represent consumer product manufacturers before the U.S. Congress and U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
  • Persuaded Senate Commerce Committee to include language in consumer product safety bill to require CPSC to develop safety standard for cigarette lighters.
  • Directed successful effort on behalf of synthetic turf industry to reduce lead content in turf blades and convince CPSC to declare synthetic turf a safe consumer product.
  • Defeated legislation in the Virginia State Legislature that would have imposed three-year moratorium on the installation of synthetic turf.
  • Saved electric blanket manufacturer more than $1 million by counseling company on appropriate strategy to avoid expensive product safety recall.
  • Successfully prevented competitors from stealing proprietary information companies through effective defense of using FOIA law to gain access to such information.
  • Chaired panel of experts, presenting the assessment of product safety legislation at International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization training symposium to more than 500 attendees from industry, government, and the private sector.